One benefit of Steam compared to other gaming platforms is the option to refund games you don’t like. However, there are restrictions to this feature, such as the game cannot have been played for more than two hours, or it cannot have been purchased over 14 days before the refund request.
As Steam must approve the refund, you may wonder how long Steam would take to approve the request. Usually, Steam will accept the request within the same day as long as it follows the requirements. The refund should arrive in your account or Steam wallet within a few days.
Method – How to refund a game on Steam
- Open Steam.
- Click “Account details” on your profile in the top right.
- Press “View purchase history.”
- Click a game you purchased.
- Click “I would like a refund.”
- Press “I’d like to request a refund.”
- Choose the payment method to send the refund to.
- Finally, confirm the refund request.
- Wait for Valve to confirm the refund
Content list
- How long does it take for Steam to approve a refund?
- How to buy or gift a game on Steam
- How to receive a gift on Steam
- How to optimally download a game
- Conclusion
How long does it take for Steam to approve a refund?
Steam has one thing against its competition: the option to reliably refund games and DLC if you are unhappy with them within 2 hours of playtime. Xbox and PlayStation have minimal refund options that can only be done online on another platform, and even then, they can only be done a few times. Since this feature revolves around having to request refunds and waiting for Steam to respond, you’ll want to know how long Steam will take to approve them. You don’t need to wait long, as it should be accepted within the same day; as long as you request it and meet the requirements, the refund amount should appear in your Steam wallet or bank in a few days.
How to refund a game on Steam
This guide will show to request a refund on Steam. The process is straightforward and can be done anytime on the Steam client. You can find the request a refund option on your account details page.
- First, open Steam and press your account icon in the top right. Then click “Account details.”

- Find the “View purchase history” option, which will show all recent purchases on your account.

- Look for the game you want to refund and press it.

- You will see many options for Steam support; click “I would like a refund.” You should note that if a game was bought on sale, you could only request a refund for that price instead of the total amount.

Finalize the option by pressing “I’d like to request a refund.”

- Next, choose the refund method; this is where the money will be refunded.

- Finally, you can look over what you are refunding. You can choose a refund option, then press “Submit request” to request a refund.

Then, you need to wait several days, and it should appear in your account or wallet.
Steam doesn’t take long with refunds as they will accept or deny it within a day. Then it will take a few days to arrive in your account or in your bank. Sometimes you need to be patient, but it should arrive in no time.